Senior Information
Important Dates:
March 3rd-28th - Claim and Purchase Graduation Tickets at TOUCHBASE
March 27th - Senior Parent Information Meeting
April 14th - Cap & Gown Distribution
April 17th - Senior Parent Information Meeting
May 1st - Senior Parent Information Meeting
May 5th - Senior Awards (by invite)
May 9th - Breakfast and Grad Walk, 7:45-11am
May 15th - FINAL Senior Parent Information Meeting
May 16th - Senior Sunset, Panoramic Class Photo, Graduation Ticket Distribution &
Family Photos, 5-7:30pm
May 22nd - Graduation Rehearsal and Senior Breakfast, 7:45am
May 22nd - Graduation, 8pm, Football Field
May 22nd - Project Grad, 10:30pm-2am, Mavrix
Senior Parent Meetings:
March 27th
April 17th
May 1st
May 15th
Come hear important updates and information about senior events from Dr. Sara Johnson and the senior parent committee leads. Time and location will be updated as we get closer to each date.
Graduation Tickets:
-Each graduate is guaranteed 4 graduation tickets FREE of charge.
-Each graduate is guaranteed the opportunity to purchase an additional 2 tickets at $10 each.
-All 6 tickets (4 free and 2 optional for purchase), must be claimed and purchased between March 3rd- March 28th at TOUCHBASE.
-Additional ticket sales will occur in April.
-Tickets will be distributed on May 16th at Senior Sunset.
Grad Walk and Breakfast:
Friday May 9th, 7:45am: Each graduate will come to school with their cap and gown. They will start the morning with a yummy breakfast hosted by StuGo. Then they will board buses and head to all 4 feeder schools of AHS - Echo Canyon, Hopi, Ingelside and Tavan. They will parade through each school in their cap and gown giving the graduates an opportunity to be celebrated and also give the younger students a glimpse into their own future graduating from AHS. Graduates will be bused back to school to finish the school day.
Senior Sunset:
May 16th, 5-7:30pm: Graduates and their families are invited to come to the Football Field for a sunset celebration event, including photo opportunities and food trucks. Graduates must arrive by 5pm to be a part of the panoramic photo. Professional photographers will be on site to take family photos. This is a great opportunity to get a photo on the football field that might be difficult to get on graduation night.
Graduation Rehearsal and Breakfast:
May 22nd, 7:45am: Graduates will arrive on campus to practice a walk through of graduation. Immediately after, they will be treated to a breakfast hosted by the senior parent committee.
May 22nd, 8pm: Graduation will be held on the football field with spectators sitting in both north and south bleachers. There will also be a live stream in the auditorium for disabled and heat sensitive guests.
Graduates must arrive in cap and gown by 7pm and report to pre-assigned classrooms. Gates will open at 7pm for spectators. Parking will be available in all lots, as well as in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints parking lot, just west of the school parking lot. Please also consider carpooling and Ubering.
Project Grad:
May 22nd, 10:30pm: Immediately following graduation, all graduates are invited to participate in a fun graduation celebration at Mavrix (9139 Talking Stick Way, Scottsdale). This is a special event planned just for the graduates and includes: Woodfired Pizzas - Salad - Unlimited beverages - Dessert Bar - Unlimited Arcade Games - Bowling - Laser Tag - Blackjack - Yard Games - Cartoonist - Illusionist Show – Raffle Prizes.
Graduates will be bused from AHS to Mavrix and bused back to AHS at 2am. Parents need to plan to pickup their graduate from AHS at 2am OR arrange for transportation for them to be taken home.
No Bag Policy: After graduation, graduates will be able to change their clothes in the auditorium bathrooms. Then they will need to give all purses, bags, backpacks, etc to their parents to take home. This event is a strict "No Bag Policy". Graduates will not be allowed on the bus with any type of bag. When they arrive at Mavrix, they will receive a fanny pack with all they will need for the night. We will also have feminine hygiene products available.
Registration Fee:
$110 by May 9th
$125 after May 9th
Register and buy your tickets TODAY!
Scholarships Available:
If your graduate is in need of a scholarship to attend, please contact Jennifer Gutierrez (Arcadia Community Outreach Specialist) at
The Project Grad committee will work with Jennifer Gutierrez, to make sure every senior that needs financial assistance will get to attend Project Grad. Your donation is appreciated!