By checking the box above you agree to the following:
The Graduate will adhere to all applicable policies, regulations, and guidelines, and all applicable local, state, and federal laws, ordinances and regulations during the event. The Graduate shall indemnify and hold harmless Arcadia PTO, its officers, event chairs, and volunteers from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, damages, losses, costs (including attorney’s fees), actions and causes of action of every kind and description arising out of or in connection with the Project Graduation Event. The Arcadia Parent Teacher Organization shall have no liability to the Graduate or any other entity or person for any loss, theft or damage to the Graduate’s property, personal injury, delay, annoyance, inability to hold the event as planned, or other casualty arising out of or in connection with Project Graduation. The Graduate, for himself/herself and his/her successors, executors, administrators and assigns hereby waives, releases and forever discharges the Arcadia parent Teacher Organization and all its officers, event chairs and volunteers from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, expenses, actions and causes of action arising out of claim demand, expense, action or cause of action which arises from bodily injury, property damage or theft, as such liabilities, claims, damages, losses and causes of action which arises from or are in connection with Project Graduation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the party checking the box on behalf of the Graduate represents that he or she is an authorized representative of the Graduate with the authority to bind the Graduate in the manner set forth herein.